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GCstar icon



GCstar is a free open source application for managing your collections. Detailed information on each item can be automatically retrieved from the internet and you can store additional data, such as the location or who you've lent it to.


License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Mac  Requires X11 and installation via the command line
  • Windows
  • Linux
2.7 / 5 Avg rating (7)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Portable
  2.  Multiple languages
  3.  Cross-Platform
  4.  Book Manager

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  • Read-Create-Motivate liked GCstar
    2 months ago
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    onmyshelf added GCstar as alternative to OnMyShelf
    4 months ago
  • water-vole, thelovelyluxi and benji120791 liked GCstar
    4 months ago
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    altd34 added GCstar as alternative to MyStuff Pro 2
    10 months ago
  • POX updated GCstar
    10 months ago
  • Nevroptere and Ferula liked GCstar
    12 months ago
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GCstar information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 2.7
  • Alternatives

    101 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Categories

Video & MoviesNews & Books

Our users have written 10 comments and reviews about GCstar, and it has gotten 103 likes

GCstar was added to AlternativeTo by izazueta on Aug 17, 2009 and this page was last updated Feb 16, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentFeb 29, 2016

The best software for managing your colection of movies, photos or everythin... Very Simple to use. It's a shame it was discontinued.

O melhor programa para organizar suas coleções de filmes, fotos e o que mais vc preferir. É possível catalogar por data, preferencia, atribuir uma nota, etc. É uma pena ter sido descontinuado, porém continuo usando.

ballOOn Head
Top negative comment
Pending approval

doesn't work. Installing Version 1.8 but then when trying to start it. It shows: libharfbuzz-0.dll errors. No solution to see in github

Negative comment
Pending approval

Developer; by his own admission, is struggling to maintain development and user support. http://www.gcstar.org/

Positive commentMar 12, 2021

Along with collection management, it can also be used for personal databases, such as cataloging bills that have serial numbers & warranty information.

When creating a custom collection, it is useful to keep it unnamed. This way all the custom field definitions (text, list, numbers etc.) get embedded inside the .gcs XML file. Hence, the schema and the data will be stored at one place creating a self-contained XML file.

The great thing is that this XML file is simple to understand and so it can be edited easily with any text editor. This comes in handy when you want to change say all the file paths of attachments.

CommentOct 9, 2020

Seems like the project moved to https://gitlab.com/Kerenoc/GCstar/-/tree/Test

Negative commentMar 17, 2016

Tried to import my Movie Folder like i did with EMDB. The App just make a list of "Movie - IMDB" x times and not even one was named correcty :P Maybe it works on Apple but it does not on Windows... Can't rate down this app so i need to post a negative comment about it :/

Negative commentJun 16, 2015

I have installed for the first time Where Is It on my PC. After 1 minute I have had realized my first record in a CD catalogue.

I have tried to use GCstar, believing that is better than WhereIsIt. After 1 hour I didn't succeeded to do the same thing.

My conclusion: or the software is a stupidity realized by pupils without talent,or is bad documented.

Why effort for a stupid software?

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7 of 10 comments

What is GCstar?

GCstar is a free open source application for managing your collections. Detailed information on each item can be automatically retrieved from the internet and you can store additional data, such as the location or who you've lent it to. You may also search and filter your collection by many criteria.

The tool was developed by Tian until March 2016, when he announced not to work on it anymore, also the site GNA.org used to publish GCstar releases was closed in May 2017. The project has been continued by Kerenoc who set up a GitLab repository to track the latest contributions and make the source code available again.

GCstar manages these collections:

  • Movies
  • Video games
  • Books
  • Music
  • Numismatic
  • Wines
  • Board games
  • Comic books
  • TV shows episodes
  • Stamps
  • Periodicals
  • Mini vehicles
  • Smart cards
  • TV shows (series)
  • Computer software
  • User defined collections

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