Open Source Gboard Alternatives
The best open source alternative to Gboard is AnySoftKeyboard. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Gboard and many of them is open source so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting open source alternatives to Gboard are OpenBoard, HeliBoard, FlorisBoard and Simple Keyboard.
filter to find the best alternatives
Gboard alternatives are mainly Mobile Keyboards but may also be Grammar Checkers or AI Writing Tools. Other popular filters includes Android + Open Source. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Gboard.- Mobile Keyboard
- Free • Proprietary
- 6 likes48 Unexpected Keyboard alternatives
This app is a virtual keyboard for Android. The main features are easy typing of every ASCII character using the swipe gesture, dead keys for accents and modifier keys and the presence of special keys (tab, esc, arrows, etc..).
Unexpected Keyboard VS Gboard
Is Unexpected Keyboard a good alternative to Gboard? - 4 likes40 Thumb-Key alternatives
Thumb-Key is a privacy-conscious smart keyboard, made specifically for your thumbs.
Thumb-Key VS Gboard
Is Thumb-Key a good alternative to Gboard?Comments about Thumb-Key as an Alternative to Gboard
aseixasBetter layout for typing on a handheld device.
0 - 4 likes59 LeanKey Keyboard alternatives
LeanKey Keyboard is a software keyboard for Android-based TVs and set-top boxes.
LeanKey Keyboard VS Gboard
Is LeanKey Keyboard a good alternative to Gboard? - 3 likes28 Fcitx5 for Android alternatives
Fcitx5 is an input method framework with a lightweight core, offering additional language support via addons.
Fcitx5 for Android VS Gboard
Is Fcitx5 for Android a good alternative to Gboard? - 2 likes31 tOndO keyboard alternatives
A fast, accurate and easy to learn alternative input method.
License model
- Freemium • Open Source
Application type
- Android
tOndO keyboard Features
tOndO keyboard VS Gboard
Is tOndO keyboard a good alternative to Gboard? - 6 likes42 kboard alternatives
A programmable keyboard for Android that lets you send phrases, lenny faces, macros, or data from the Internet in a single tap.
DiscontinuedThe latest version (5.1.1) is from February 2022, and the app is not available on the Google Play Store anymore.
kboard VS Gboard
Is kboard a good alternative to Gboard? - 11 likes36 Onboard on-screen keyboard alternatives
An onscreen keyboard useful for tablet PC users and for mobility impaired users.
Onboard on-screen keyboard VS Gboard
Is this a good alternative to Gboard? - 5 likes41 8vim alternatives
8vim is an open source, small screen keyboard designed to overcome the limitation of small typing space and provide tools to the user to have full text editor style editing capabilities on any text box he/she is typing.
8vim VS Gboard
Is 8vim a good alternative to Gboard?
Comments about Unexpected Keyboard as an Alternative to Gboard
It can add additional keyboard layout, though its not user friendly to create a custom layout. The drag to select symbols feature is cool. But it lacks auto completion and auto correction