flwm is a very small and fast X window manager.
Features of flwm include:
• Really small and fast code (~40 kB package, ~110 kB installed).
• Occupies as little screen space as possible.
- The border and titles are as thin as one could possibly make them, while still allowing resizing edges.
- Sideways titlebars allow 100% vertical usage of screen.
- Snap-to-edge snaps the inside as well as outside of the borders to the screen edge.
- Maximum width removes the 3D resize borders off the left and right of the window, so only waste is the flat titlebar area at left.
- Windows with no label do not have a titlebar either, just resize edges.
- Programs can resize window to fullscreen and get what they want (the window filling the screen) with no unpredictable positioning and without raising the window.
• Independent maximize buttons for width & height.
• The "taskbar" (or iconbox), "start menu", Alt+Tab window switching, multiple desktop switching, "panel", and "start menu" are all merged into a singe pop-up menu that takes zero space when not being used. Same popup menu can be brought up by clicking on desktop, right-clicking on window border, or Alt+Tab.
• Designed to be point-to-type. If a window grabs the focus the mouse moves to it so this is never inconsistent. This really works, try it!
• Designed to work with smaller, overlapping windows so that programs can finally take advantage of multiple windows, rather than being forced to make a big single "mdi" window. Primarily this means windows do not click to top if you click inside them. In addition Flwm obeys any attempt by the program to resize and/or move a window.
• Understands Motif, KDE, and Gnome window manager hints, and works with SGI programs that assume 4DWM.