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FlairMax icon



FlairMax is a music recognition Windows app that gives you some information on the recognized track like title, duration, genres, artist, release date, album, recognized part time offset, synced lyrics, music links and more...

FlairMax screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary


  • Windows
4.5 / 5 Avg rating (2)
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  1.  No registration required
  2.  Lightweight
  3.  Privacy focused
  4.  No Tracking
  5.  Ad-free


  1.  MP3 Downloader
  2.  Lossless Audio
  3.  Support for Lyrics
  4.  Automatic Lyrics Finder
  5.  Music Downloader

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FlairMax information

  • Developed by

    Ahmed Walid
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.5
  • Alternatives

    12 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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FlairMax was added to AlternativeTo by Ahmed Walid on Aug 28, 2023 and this page was last updated Aug 28, 2023.
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What is FlairMax?

FlairMax is the first Windows music recognition app on the Microsoft Store, it contains a variety of features and Recognition Cores.

Currently supported cores are:

  • Shazam, which uses the official Shazam servers for music recognition so should work just like their app.
  • ACRCloud, it's a big database that includes millions of audio fingerprints, it's most popular in Asia and Africa.

Some of the features in there:

  • Lyrics, Translated Lyrics, Romanized Lyrics, and Synced Lyrics with 7+ synced lyrics animations to pick from, powered by Musixmatch
  • ID3 Metadata Editor, which allows you to fingerprint audio files you have locally and saves the result as audio metadata in the files so that they show up when you play them in music players.
  • Recognized track preview, so you can double check if we got the correct track.
  • History page to keep track of all music you previously recognized.
  • Built-in YouTube player to play videos/video clips of tracks you recognized without leaving the app, powered by myTube.
  • Recognize either by microphone, speakers, or even local audio files.
  • Provides track links on your favorite music providers.
  • Built-in music downloader.
  • Built-in Deezer, YouTube, and local files playback for Synced Lyrics.
  • Modern Fluent UI, designed by the awesome designer Zee-Al-Eid Ahmad Rana (@Zeealeid)
  • Ability to recognize the audio of only some specific app, so if multiple apps playing audio you can just pick one app of them and the FlairMax will only listen to that app and ignores the rest.
  • Completely local fingerprinting, so FlairMax won't ever upload the audio it records, it fingerprints it locally then sends the fingerprint to be recognized, this gives better performance and more privacy.
  • And many more!

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