Birdie EML to PST Converter
EML to PST Converter now comes with the support of Outlook 64 bit, now EML to PST Converter easily convert EML emails to Outlook 32 bit or 64 bit with no loss of data, software also supports to convert EMLX to PST 64 bit.
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What is Birdie EML to PST Converter?
New and Advanced EML to PST Converter program that is being designed and developed to Convert EML/EMLX to Outlook 32 bit & 64 bit. This EML to PST tool easily manages all your email messages data throughout the EML to PST Conversion process such as - Header items (to, subject, from, date / time, bcc, etc), embedded attachments and other existing email details with no loss. Our EML to PST Converter software completely helps you to read & access all emails from Outlook Express, Windows Vista, Windows Live, Thunderbird, Lotus Notes, DreamMail, eM Client, Apple Mail, Zoho Mail and Mac OS X Mail into Microsoft Outlook 64 bit. Software allows you to move EML emails into various versions of Office Outlook – Outlook (32 & 64 bit), 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, etc. and batch conversion process of emails is also available with this tool. We suggest you to try the DEMO before order for the Licensed Edition of Birdie EML to PST Converter.