Dream Machine
A next generation video model for creating high quality, realistic shots from text instructions and images using AI
Dream Machine News & Activities
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Recent News
- Fla published news article about Dream MachineDreamMachine unveils 4K upscale feature
DreamMachine has launched a new feature allowing users to upscale their videos to 4K resolution, im...
- Maoholguin published news article about Luma AILuma partners with Amazon to bring its advanced AI Models Luma Photon and Ray 2 to Bedrock
Luma AI has announced a partnership with Amazon, integrating its advanced creative intelligence mod...
- Fla published news article about Dream MachineDream Machine API v1.1.0 introduces Callbacks and Credits Balance
The recently launched v1.1.0 update of the Dream Machine API brings significant improvements for de...
Recent activities
- y2kay liked Dream Machine
- Danilo_Venom added Dream Machine as alternative to Hailuo AI
- phoenix-wan added Dream Machine as alternative to LTX Video
- phototovideo added Dream Machine as alternative to PhotoToVideo
- AI-Repy added Dream Machine as alternative to Kling AI Video
- aifinder11 added Dream Machine as alternative to Minimax-AI
- POX added Dream Machine as alternative to KLING AI
- beratoguz added Dream Machine as alternative to Intro Hook
Comments and Reviews
Decent, short videos. Nothing too life-like. You have to be very precise about what you want. If you say you want a police officer wearing a halloween costume, sometimes it just shows someone wearing a police uniform.
You do get five free videos a day.