Downcast Alternatives

Downcast is described as 'Download and listen to your favorite podcasts directly from your iOS device without the need to sync with iTunes' and is a Podcast Player in the audio & music category. There are more than 50 alternatives to Downcast for a variety of platforms, including iPhone, Android, Web-based, Windows and Mac apps. The best Downcast alternative is Pocket Casts, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Downcast are TuneIn Radio, gPodder, Podcast Addict and Apple Podcasts.

filter to find the best alternatives

Downcast alternatives are mainly Podcast Players but may also be Podcast Managers or Internet Radio Services.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Downcast.
Downcast iconDowncast
  • ...

Download and listen to your favorite podcasts directly from your iOS device without the need to sync with iTunes.

More about Downcast
Downcast alternatives page was last updated Nov 14, 2023
  1. Cozy FM icon

    A free, full-featured podcast player with seamless device synchronization, episode downloads, offline mode and more.

    20 Cozy FM alternatives
    Cozy FM screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Mac
    • Online
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Google Chrome
    • Microsoft Edge Add-ons
    • Firefox
    • Windows


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  Privacy focused


    1.  Cloud Sync
    2.  No registration required
    3.  Works Offline
    4.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    5.  Personalized Recommendations
    6.  Ad-free
    7.  Dark Mode
    Cozy FM iconDowncast Icon

    Cozy FM VS Downcast

    Is Cozy FM a good alternative to Downcast?
  2. Vocal icon

    The modern podcast client for the free desktop.

    98 Vocal alternatives
    Vocal screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux

    Vocal Features

    1.  Video Casting

    The last release (2.4.2) is from May 2019.

    Vocal iconDowncast Icon

    Vocal VS Downcast

    Is Vocal a good alternative to Downcast?
  3. Player FM icon
     25 likes is a podcast player you can use in your browser. Player FM makes it easy to discover and listen to online news and views on thousands of topics.

    121 Player FM alternatives

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary

    Application type


    • Online
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • Android Wear

    Player FM Features

    1.  Cloud Sync
    2.  Chromecast Support
    3.  Works Offline
    4.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    Player FM iconDowncast Icon

    Player FM VS Downcast

    Is Player FM a good alternative to Downcast?
  4. Moon FM icon

    An easy to use podcast player for podcast lovers.

    90 Moon FM alternatives
    Moon FM screenshot 1

    License model


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  No registration required
    2.  Works Offline
    3.  Dark Mode
    4.  Cloud Sync
    5.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    6.  Ad-free
    Moon FM iconDowncast Icon

    Moon FM VS Downcast

    Is Moon FM a good alternative to Downcast?
    • Moon FM is the most popular commercial alternative to Downcast.

    • Moon FM is Paid and ProprietaryDowncast is also Paid and Proprietary
    • Moon FM is LightweightDowncast is not according to our users
  5. Roon icon

    Roon identifies your music files and streams, and then overlays a ton of rich metadata to add context to what you're listening to. That information drives Roon's unique experience of browsing, discovering, and organizing music.

    230 Roon alternatives
    Roon screenshot 1
    Roon screenshot 2
    Roon screenshot 3

    License model

    Application type


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad
    • Self-Hosted
    • Synology C2

    Roon Features

    1.  AirPlay Support
    2.  Artwork
    3.  Radio Player
    4.  Music Library
    Roon iconDowncast Icon

    Roon VS Downcast

    Is Roon a good alternative to Downcast?
    • Roon is the most popular Self-Hosted alternative to Downcast.

    • Roon is Paid and ProprietaryDowncast is also Paid and Proprietary
  6. podStation Podcast Player icon

    A minimalistic chrome extension for subscribing and listening to podcasts.

    90 podStation Podcast Player alternatives
    podStation Podcast Player screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Online
    • Google Chrome

    podStation Podcast Player Features

    1.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    2.  Create Playlist
    3.  Built-in RSS reader
    4. iTunes icon  iTunes integration
    5.  Resume playback
    6.  Stream audio
    7.  Podcast Subscription
    podStation Podcast Player iconDowncast Icon

    podStation Podcast Player VS Downcast

    Is this a good alternative to Downcast?
  7. Pinna icon
     Like this app

    Podcasts for kids 3-12.

    61 Pinna alternatives
    Pinna screenshot 1
    Pinna screenshot 2
    Pinna screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary

    Application type


    • iPhone
    • iPad
    • Android
    • Android Tablet

    Pinna Features

    1.  Works Offline
    2.  Audio Books
    Pinna iconDowncast Icon

    Pinna VS Downcast

    Is Pinna a good alternative to Downcast?
  8. Tsacdop icon

    Tsacdop is a podcast player developed with Flutter, a clean, simply beautiful and friendly app, which is also free and open source.

    101 Tsacdop alternatives
    Tsacdop screenshot 1
    Tsacdop screenshot 2
    Tsacdop screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Android


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Works Offline
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  No registration required
    4.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    5.  Dark Mode
    6.  Play local content

    Last update is from July 2022.

    Tsacdop iconDowncast Icon

    Tsacdop VS Downcast

    Is Tsacdop a good alternative to Downcast?
  9. Castro icon

    Castro is a revolutionary podcast client that's smart, focused, and designed exclusively for iOS.

    88 Castro alternatives
    Castro screenshot 1
    Castro screenshot 2
    Castro screenshot 3

    License model


    • iPhone
    • Apple Watch

    Castro Features

    1.  Support for Gestures
    2.  Works Offline
    Castro iconDowncast Icon

    Castro VS Downcast

    Is Castro a good alternative to Downcast?
  10. BeyondPod icon

    Read RSS feeds, download and listen to podcasts/video casts directly on your phone.

    211 BeyondPod alternatives
    BeyondPod screenshot 1
    BeyondPod screenshot 2
    BeyondPod screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary

    Application types


    • Android
    • Android Tablet
    • Android Wear

    BeyondPod Features

    1.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    2.  Cloud Sync
    3.  Import from Google Reader
    4.  Built-in player
    5.  Library Organization
    6.  Over-The-Top (OTT)
    7.  Feed Reader
    BeyondPod iconDowncast Icon

    BeyondPod VS Downcast

    Is BeyondPod a good alternative to Downcast?
  11. Podbean icon

    A better way to discover and play all your favorite podcasts anywhere, anytime. The Podbean podcast player integrates all the best features to enhance your podcast listening experience.

    101 Podbean alternatives
    Podbean screenshot 1
    Podbean screenshot 2
    Podbean screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • iPhone
    • iPad

    Podbean Features

    1.  Works Offline
    2.  Podcast Hosting
    Podbean iconDowncast Icon

    Podbean VS Downcast

    Is Podbean a good alternative to Downcast?
  12. Podcast Republic icon

    Like to play podcast on your Android devices? This app is all your need for podcast managing and playing. Feature completed and highly customizable. Just download it and enjoy the most popular podcasts in the world on your Android devices.

    78 Podcast Republic alternatives
    Podcast Republic screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad
    • Android Wear
    • Apple Watch

    Podcast Republic Features

    1.  Works Offline
    2.  Chromecast Support
    3.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    4.  Built-in player
    5.  Multiple languages
    6.  Lockscreen Widget
    Podcast Republic iconDowncast Icon

    Podcast Republic VS Downcast

    Is Podcast Republic a good alternative to Downcast?
You are at page 2 of Downcast alternatives