Curvenote is a collaborative writing tool designed for open-science and reproducibility. Create & edit technical content in real-time, including equations, references, figures, and interactive plots from Jupyter, then export to any journal template.
License model
- Freemium • Open Source
Application type
- Online
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Support for MarkDown
- Support for LaTeX
- LaTeX Editor
- Data science
Curvenote News & Activities
Recent News
Recent activities
- POX added Curvenote as alternative to Docs in Proton Drive
Curvenote information
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Education & ReferenceWhat is Curvenote?
Technical writing, reimagined Write an article, report, or scientific paper and easily include citations, references, equations and figures. Export your work to any professional template in seconds for the perfect finish.
Make any article interactive Curvenote bridges the gap between data-scientists and other stakeholders, so you can keep everyone updated on the latest findings. Connect your in-depth analysis in Jupyter directly to any Curvenote article keeping visualizations interactive and versioned.