Turn your DSLR or mirrorless camera into a professional-grade webcam.
Cascable Pro Webcam is designed to help you create a professional and great-looking stream, whether you're taking part in video calls or streaming to thousands of fans. On top of the superior image quality you get by using a camera much better than your computer's built-in webcam, Cascable Pro Webcam can configure your camera for the best focus settings for webcam use, and provides options for optimising performance.
Stay In Control
Cascable Pro Webcam allows you to adjust camera settings* and manage camera focus while connected to your camera, even if you're in the middle of a video call or stream.
And, should the worst happen and your camera runs out of battery or otherwise becomes disconnected, you can customise the "test card" that's shown when no camera is available. Want an on-brand image or a bit of fun to make your colleagues laugh? It's up to you!
Cascable Pro Webcam is compatible with hundreds of cameras.
Cameras via WiFi
Most Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic and Sony cameras with WiFi.
See our WiFi compatibility table for more information.
Cameras via USB
Most Canon EOS and Nikon cameras, although cameras not in our WiFi compatibility table may not have been tested.
See our Working with Wired Cameras guide for more information.
Compatible Apps
Cascable Pro Webcam should work with any app that supports macOS standard virtual webcam plugins. However, if the app has strong security measures protecting it, the app may not load the plugin. The best thing to do is to install Cascable Pro Webcam and try it out! The following apps have been tested to work: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Teams, OBS Studio, QuickTime Player, Skype*, Twitch Studio, Zoom.
Note: Using Skype requires Skype 8.59 or earlier. Using Zoom requires Zoom 5.0.5 or later.