CalenGoo icon
CalenGoo icon



CalenGoo gives you a fast and easy way to access and change your Google Calendar (or Google Apps Calendar) with your Android device. It can either work with the built-in calendar or it can sync directly with Google.

CalenGoo screenshot 1
CalenGoo screenshot 2
CalenGoo screenshot 3

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Application type


  • Android  2.3 up
  • iPhone
  • Android Tablet
  • iPad
4 / 5 Avg rating (2)
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  1. Google Calendar icon  Sync with Google Calendar
  2.  CardDAV Support

CalenGoo News & Activities

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    VipassanaMahale added CalenGoo as alternative to Shared Team Calendar for Microsoft Teams
    9 months ago
  • macuser707 reviewed CalenGoo  
    9 months ago

    Yes, there is a trial version. I tested the functionality and found it to do exactly what the developer claimed. So I bought the app. I needed a calendar app that would permit linking a contact to an event so, within the event record, I could see and access both the address and phone number of the contact. In this way, I could know where I was supposed to go and be able to call the contact if I was going to be late (or needed more info). Going back over to the Contact's record is a PITA. This...

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CalenGoo information

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) that costs $0.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4
  • Alternatives

    62 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English
    • Burmese
    • Dutch
    • French
    • German
    • Italian

AlternativeTo Categories

Office & ProductivityBackup & Sync

Apple AppStore

  •   Updated Dec 12, 2024
  •   4.58 avg rating
View in AppStore

Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about CalenGoo, and it has gotten 8 likes

CalenGoo was added to AlternativeTo by dkjdks on Dec 5, 2013 and this page was last updated Nov 25, 2020.

Comments and Reviews

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Yes, there is a trial version. I tested the functionality and found it to do exactly what the developer claimed. So I bought the app. I needed a calendar app that would permit linking a contact to an event so, within the event record, I could see and access both the address and phone number of the contact. In this way, I could know where I was supposed to go and be able to call the contact if I was going to be late (or needed more info). Going back over to the Contact's record is a PITA. This app accomplishes this task without a problem. Note that I'm not referring to an "invitation" (although CalenGoo does support that); just a copy of the important contact data which I could tap to trigger the phone or maps apps. Plenty of config options to make you happy. A $6 bargain.

ReviewOct 24, 2023

$7, no trial version.


What is CalenGoo?

CalenGoo gives you a fast and easy way to access and change your Google Calendar icon Google Calendar (or Google Apps Calendar) with your Android device. It can either work with the built-in calendar or it can sync directly with Google.

Feature overview:

Five different calendar views to display your events:

Day view (as seen on the left, similar to Google Calendar's day view and including a landscape variant mentioned below) Week view Month view Landscape day view (displays a whole week at a glance to give you a good overview where you have some free time left) Agenda view (shows your events as a list)

Additional features:

  • Drag&Drop support to move, copy, open and delete events
  • Widgets to see your events on your home screen without opening the app: day widget (4x1, 4x2, 4x3), week widget (4x3, 4x4, 5x5), month widget (4x3, 4x4, 5x5) and agenda widget (different sizes from 2x1 up to 5x5). In the month 4x4 widget you can tap a single day to directly open it. The agenda widgets can be (optionally) scrollable (but under Android 2.x this requires a special home screen manager).
  • Zoomable month view
  • Configurable startup view (day, view, month, agenda)
  • When adding recurring events you can use the same rules that you can use in Google Calendar, e.g. you can create events "on Monday and Thursday every two weeks" or "every last Friday in a month".
  • Direct sync with Google Calendar option e.g. to download all historical data and to be able to assign icons to events
  • Predefined and custom icons can be assigned when syncing directly
  • Improved date picker that displays a whole month to choose a date
  • Improved time picker with three different ways to enter a time
  • Search function (with optional advanced options like "Whole words" and "Case sensitive")
  • Customizable hardware buttons (e.g. you can assign the "Today" function to the "back" button)
  • Sync with Google Tasks

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