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Brasero is an application to burn CD/DVD for the GNOME Desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly.

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License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Linux
  • BSD
  • Flathub
3.4 / 5 Avg rating (9)
0 news articles


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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  CD Burner
  2.  DVD Burner
  3.  Disc Burner
  4.  DVD Menu creation
  5.  Ad-free
  6.  Works Offline
  7.  No installation required

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  • carlosfranciscoanjos, Ralf_678 and kayi_giome liked Brasero
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  • einwolfsregen updated Brasero
    11 months ago
  • voko_bersman, seaoflife, ceka-feyam and dana_fehtam liked Brasero
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  • thilriposta liked Brasero
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Brasero information

AlternativeTo Category

CD/DVD Tools

Our users have written 9 comments and reviews about Brasero, and it has gotten 298 likes

Brasero was added to AlternativeTo by mmeixide on Apr 14, 2009 and this page was last updated Apr 6, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentDec 14, 2010

This thing makes Nero Linux 4 a piece of overpriced crap. It has almost every feature that Nero Linux 4 has! Combine this with Handbrake, and you got yourself a special piece of software called Nero StartSmart for Linux.

Top negative commentNov 6, 2023

It's functional for the most part, but a severe pain to get it to work initially. That's probably because 1: it uses questionable and abandoned alternative libraries, which should have been switched back to the standard and supported libraries.

But this won't be happening because 2: Brasero has been abandoned since 2010. That's 13 years ago as of the time I'm writing this. Which means it will no longer correctly configure itself to current distributions. The only benefit of it being abandoned is the Gnome developers won't be poking their dirty fingers through it.

But seriously, regardless of it still being packaged in most distributions, it really needs to be marked as a dead project.

(and all those downvotes on other reviews must be Gnome fanboys).

CommentJun 17, 2019

Zorin OS has a nice built-in system CD/DVD Creator, similar to the Windows solution. I managed to burn DVD successfully and play it both on Linux and on Windows with VLC.

CommentJun 11, 2019

It looks like my adventure with Brasero on Ubuntu MATE was one of the harsh ones mentioned in the reviews. DVD destroyed.

Positive commentFeb 27, 2018

it's nice i find and i used it in linux mint debian ubuntu knoppix

Positive commentJun 3, 2012

debian/ubuntu users ought install ACTUAL-cdrtools and ditch the debian broken "fork" to fully benefit from the brasero front end:

Ubuntu users who are not comfortable compiling themselves are encouraged to use this PPA

One may optionally create links to old broken binaries from the current-, maintained-, functional binaries to quell issues with quarrelsome software.

Wiki*dia, "truth" by consensus, not surprisingly is not representing the issue correctly.

Negative commentMay 8, 2012

If you want to destroy as many DVDs as possible, try Brasero. It killed 10 DVDs in just two days. And this ain't a problem of the DVDs, because the same brand works flawlessly with K3B. On top of that, Brasero burns my 4x DVD+RWs at only 0.3x speed. Again, with K3B no problem. Avoid Brasero at any rate!

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What is Brasero?

Brasero is an application to burn CD/DVD for the GNOME Desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly.


  • Supports multiple backends: cdrtools, growisofs and libburn(optional). Note: compiling against libburn is not enough. You need to activate the backend through GSettings

Features / Data CD/DVD

  • Supports edition of discs contents (remove/move/rename files inside directories)
  • Can burn data CD/DVD on the fly
  • Automatic filtering for unwanted files (hidden files, broken/recursive symlinks, files not conforming to joliet standard, ...)
  • Supports multisession
  • Supports joliet extension
  • Can write the image to the hard drive
  • Can check disc file integrity

Features / Audio CD

  • Write CD-TEXT information (automatically found thanks to gstreamer)
  • Supports the edition of CD-TEXT information
  • Can burn audio CD on the fly
  • Can use all audio files handled by Gstreamer local installation (ogg, flac, mp3, ...)
  • Can search for audio files inside dropped folders
  • Full edition of silences between tracks

Features / CD/DVD copy

  • Can copy a CD/DVD to the hard drive
  • Can copy CD and DVD on the fly
  • Supports single-session data DVD
  • Supports any kind of CD

Features / Others

  • Erase CD/DVD
  • Can save/load projects
  • Can burn CD/DVD images and cue files
  • Song, image and video previewer
  • Device detection thanks to HAL
  • File change notification (requires kernel > 2.6.13)
  • A customisable GUI (when used with GDL)
  • Supports Drag and Drop / Cut'n'Paste from nautilus (and others apps)
  • Can use files on a network as long as the protocol is handled by gnome-vfs
  • Can search for files thanks to beagle (search is based on keywords or on file type)
  • Can display a playlist and its contents (note that playlists are automatically searched through beagle)
  • All disc IO is done asynchronously to prevent the application from blocking