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Archey 4


Archey 4 is a system information tool for the command line. It is written in Python and shows information like the distribution name, system uptime, kernel version, CPU, RAM usage and more.

Complete preview of a Debian system

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Mac
  • Linux
  • BSD
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  1.  Works Offline
  2.  No registration required
  3.  Command line interface
  4.  Ad-free
  5.  RAM Monitoring
  6.  Disk Monitoring
  7.  Colored Text
  8.  Terminal-based
  9.  CPU Monitoring
  10.  Temperature Monitoring

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OS & UtilitiesSystem & Hardware

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  •  306 Stars
  •  38 Forks
  •  2 Open Issues
  •   Updated Jan 14, 2025 
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Archey 4 was added to AlternativeTo by spacepengu on May 6, 2018 and this page was last updated Jun 7, 2021.
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What is Archey 4?

Archey 4 is a system information tool for the command line. It is written in Python and shows information like the distribution name, system uptime, kernel version, CPU, RAM usage and more.

It is a fork of the original Archey program, written by Melik Manukyan in 2009, and quickly abandoned in 2011. At first, it only supported Arch Linux distribution, further support had been added afterwards. Many forks popped in the wild due to inactivity, but this one attends since 2017 to succeed where the others failed: Remain maintained, community-driven and highly-compatible with yesterday's and today's systems.

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