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APKPure icon



APKPure is a totally free APK downloader for Android phone and tablet. Download apk directly from Android market even without Google play store account.

APKPure screenshot 1
APKPure screenshot 2
APKPure screenshot 3

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Online
  • Android
  • Android Tablet
3.5 / 5 Avg rating (8)
0 news articles


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  1.  Apk download
  2.  Ad-free
  3.  Beat maker
  4.  Download old versions
  5.  Page labeling
  6.  Update Notifier
  7.  White-labeled

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APKPure information

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 3.5
  • Alternatives

    96 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 9 comments and reviews about APKPure, and it has gotten 121 likes

APKPure was added to AlternativeTo by Stevens5 on Mar 23, 2015 and this page was last updated Sep 9, 2022.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentNov 9, 2016

Usefull on my phone without google play services as a complement to F-Droid.

Top negative commentFeb 1, 2019

Edit: downgrading to merely 3 stars because I've seemingly started getting "advertisement" notifications from it (once every 1-3 days), including around half the time talking about watching "sexy XXX videos" and naming porn stars. What's weird is they don't take me to any sort of website or anything, just sponsored programs like "LuLubox" and "Vidmate" (I think is also sponsored?). Notifications from APKPure can be disabled though.

Upsides: • It doesn't seem to require Google services. (although presumably none of these non-Google ones need it) • It's also has the major advantage over something like F-droid in that one can still get all sorts of proprietary software too. (so one can still use F-Droid, but then switch to something else like APKPure when you can't find a suitable product on it)

Downsides: • weird notification "ads" (although notifications from APKPure can be disabled, and only really matter if you want to be notified right when something you downloaded has an update), • I have not tried alternative programs like Aptoide or APKMirror, but I suspect one of them is better. • It seems to automatically force updating itself when you try to use it and there's an update available. I don't like this, but it's a minor thing.

edit: it just forced me to update it again, and bricked itself in doing-so. So the forced update cause the program to not work now. Removing another star.

[Edited by johndoe12, February 12]

[Edited by johndoe12, May 11]

Third Opinion
Positive commentMar 1, 2023

I don't use the app, I hate apps! ;D

But srsly, instead I do use the web site for grabbing APKs - unlike evozi and many others it just works without much hassle!

Folks, thank you for this!

Positive commentSep 14, 2021

able to download games

Negative commentNov 2, 2020

Filled with advertisements of abusive & rubbish games. Forcingly displays unwanted ad videos when I try to update the installed apps.

Negative commentFeb 12, 2020

Version 3.13.4 (from Aptoide database) is bundleware. Asks for SMS & mobile connection access. When you agree, it subscribes you to some reverse-billed SMS Premium services. APK installs crash, or don't install.

Positive commentOct 6, 2019

Has night mode, parallel downloads, app management with detailed stats

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What is APKPure?

Download apk directly from Android market even without Google play store account, APK Pure is a totally free APK downloader for Android phone and tablet

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