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ABBYY FineReader PDF icon

ABBYY FineReader PDF


ABBYY FineReader PDF is an OCR software that provides unmatched text recognition accuracy and conversion capabilities, virtually eliminating retyping and reformatting of documents. Up to 190 languages are supported for text recognition.

ABBYY FineReader PDF screenshot 1

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Application types


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • iPhone
  • iPad
4.2 / 5 Avg rating (11)
0 news articles


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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  OCR
  2.  Convert PDF to Word document
  3.  Side-by-Side Comparison
  4.  Edit PDF
  5.  PDF annotation
  6.  Sign PDF files
  7.  Image to text
  8.  Convert PDF to image
  9.  Create PDF files
  10.  PDF OCR
  11.  Convert images to PDF
  12.  Split and merge PDF files
  13.  Convert EPUB to PDF
  14.  Image Conversion
  15.  Scan to PDF
  16.  Pdf protection
  17.  Batch processing
  18.  Convert PDF to EPUB
  19.  Document creation
  20.  Convert PDF to Text
  21.  Jpg to text
  22.  Convert PDF to Excel document
  23.  Convert Word documents to PDF
  24.  AI-Powered
  25.  Convert PDF to HTML

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ABBYY FineReader PDF information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) ranging between $199 and $299.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.2 (11 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    83 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Chinese
    • Spanish

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  •   Updated May 22, 2024
  •   4.69 avg rating
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Our users have written 11 comments and reviews about ABBYY FineReader PDF, and it has gotten 140 likes

ABBYY FineReader PDF was added to AlternativeTo by Danilo_Venom on Jun 29, 2010 and this page was last updated Jul 19, 2024. ABBYY FineReader PDF is sometimes referred to as FineReader.

Comments and Reviews

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Oron Joffe
Top positive commentAug 2, 2016

I've tried a wide range of OCR packages over the years in different contexts but Abbyy FineReader Pro (currently version 12) remains my favourite. The critical features of OCR software are accuracy, speed/workflow and ease of use. One may add to that the ability to export the recognised data in variety of formats, with different amounts of information (e.g. text only, text with font and alignment information, full layout). For some people (such as myself), the ability to recognise other writing systems is also important.

On all those fronts, Abbyy FineReader is at least a contender for top position. The other possible is Nuance OmniPage which is also very good, but in my opinion FineReader beats it in a number of importrant areas:

  • Accuracy: in my experience (and these things do boil down to individual experience since people scan different documents), FineReader is more accurate. Not only is it a little more accurate in general, but its accuracy can be enhanced by training, the use of special character sets etc.
  • Support for other languages: I've scanned in FineReader in various European languages as well as in Hebrew and Yiddish. It does not specifically support Yiddish, but it's possible to add the few additional characters to the set and scan them. Abbyy is a Russian company, so I'm sure their support for Cyrillic-based writing is, if anything, even better, and other writing systems from the former Soviet Union are also supported (er. Armenian, Georgian).
  • Layout recognition: admittedly, I've not used the most recent versions of OmniPage, but last time I did a comparison, Abbyy's software was superior, and to this date it's layout recognition is excellent.
  • Ease of use and workflow: It's difficult to judge this one, but FineReader is very logical, and generally guides you through the task. It's also possible to save templates of various parts of the OCR process (training information, character sets, dictionaries, layouts etc) and invoke them as needed, so it definitely gets the thumbs up from me.
  • Price: There are a few versions of the software. The light version "Sprint" is bundled with some scanners, and is not bad at all for an effectively-free product. The "Pro" version which I use is usually listed at around £100 (~$130) but I've always been able to wait and buy it for £50-65. At this price, it's considerably cheaper than OmniPage. True the cost is significant, but if the free alternatives fall short on accuracy, language support or any of the other features, this is probably the most cost effective solution, and better than the competition at any price!
ReviewAug 8, 2023

AFR on windows is the most powerful OCR software I've seen. AFR on the Mac is missing the vast majority of the Windows features that make it so compelling. Such as photo cells in tables and live drawing of layout sections.

Positive commentFeb 19, 2022

Best OCR software, nice work with tables or sheets, and best accurate.

Positive commentAug 13, 2021

powerful and accurate, my workload is much faster because of it

Positive commentNov 11, 2020

after testing many versions it decided to keep version 9 while is a bit slower that recent versions it has a much better compression taking same img file 8mb inversion 9 give a a 600 kb file while using the last version give me a 2.3 mb, maybe people dont longer care about file size or something or mixed raster content is not a priority anymore

Ociel Adame
Positive commentMay 25, 2020

ABBYY is the best program I've ever used with OCR technology. It's very easy to use although it requires a good RAM memory.

ABBYY es el mejor programa que he usado con tecnología OCR. Es muy fácil de usar aunque requiere de una buena memoria RAM.

[Edited by Maoholguin, May 26]

Positive commentJan 12, 2018

Very accurate text recognition, easy to use

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What is ABBYY FineReader PDF?

ABBYY FineReader PDF is an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software that provides accurate text recognition and conversion, eliminating the need for retyping and reformatting documents. Its user-friendly interface and automated tasks simplify the process. The software supports text recognition in up to 190 languages, surpassing other OCR software.

The software converts scanned documents, digital text images, and image-only PDFs into usable formats like Microsoft Word, Excel, or searchable PDFs. It uses ABBYY's award-winning OCR technology to turn images into editable text, preserving the original document layout and formatting.

Users can also scan printed or handwritten papers to create digital JPEG or PDF copies. The software's AI sorts photos into seven categories: A4, books, business cards, handwritten, IDs, other documents, and receipts. It enables offline text extraction from scans or online recognition, supporting 183 languages and 4 formats. Users can share scans via email, print, or save to various cloud storage services. The software also provides tools for PDF modification, such as adding signatures or text boxes, highlighting, handwriting, and redacting sensitive content.

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