7chan AlternativesImageboards and other similar apps like 7chan
7chan is described as 'A simple image board alternative to 4chan small but still a nice community with much more rules than 4chan' and is a Imageboard in the photos & graphics category. There are more than 10 alternatives to 7chan, not only websites but also apps for a variety of platforms, including Android, iPhone, iPad and Self-Hosted apps. The best 7chan alternative is Reddit, which is free. Other great sites and apps similar to 7chan are Aether, SaidIt.net, 4chan and Tildes.
filter to find the best alternatives
7chan alternatives are mainly Social Networks but may also be Imageboards or Social Newss. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of 7chan.- Imageboard
- Free • Proprietary
- 580 likes198 Reddit alternatives
Reddit (stylized in its logo as reddit) is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
- Tor
Top Reddit Features
Reddit VS 7chan
Is Reddit a good alternative to 7chan? - 29 likes134 Aether alternatives
Open source, self-governing communities with auditable moderation and mod elections.
DiscontinuedThe last update is from July 2021.
Aether VS 7chan
Is Aether a good alternative to 7chan? - 43 likes139 SaidIt.net alternatives
Uncensored free speech alternative to the extreme Reddit and Voat forums, democratically civilized by Graham's Debate Pyramid, no illegal transactions nor porn. Truth-seeking anti-corruption news are among the popular themes. Android app, iOS soon.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Online
- Android
- F-Droid
SaidIt.net VS 7chan
Is SaidIt.net a good alternative to 7chan? - 59 likes54 4chan alternatives
4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography.
Warning4Chan is less moderated compared to other social networks and could be offensive to some people
4chan VS 7chan
Is 4chan a good alternative to 7chan? Tildes VS 7chan
Is Tildes a good alternative to 7chan?- 21 likes99 Raddle alternatives
Unsatisfied with the few link sharing communities that were available and their proprietary, untransparent and non-secure nature, ziq made the original raddle.me (then known as raddit.me) with Wordpress, but it had a lot of limitations.
Raddle VS 7chan
Is Raddle a good alternative to 7chan? - 3 likes50 Wizardchan alternatives
Wizardchan is a Japanese-inspired imageboard for male virgins to share their thoughts and discuss their interests and lifestyle as a virgin.
Wizardchan VS 7chan
Is Wizardchan a good alternative to 7chan? Kohlchan VS 7chan
Is Kohlchan a good alternative to 7chan?8kun VS 7chan
Is 8kun a good alternative to 7chan?- 3 likes10 Kiwi Farms alternatives
Kiwi Farms is a website that discusses notable online figures. These individuals can range in popularity but as long as there is something interesting to discuss the forums will discuss it. The site often talks about ongoing drama and controversy going on with the figures of...
Kiwi Farms VS 7chan
Is Kiwi Farms a good alternative to 7chan? - 1 like50 Farcaster alternatives
Farcaster is a decentralized social network built on Ethereum.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Self-Hosted
Farcaster Features
Farcaster VS 7chan
Is Farcaster a good alternative to 7chan? - 2 likes10 8chan.moe alternatives
8chan.moe's goal is to recreate the feeling of freedom and camaraderie that once blessed imageboard users in the year 2014. Many users have lost their Internet homes to the current cultural shifts in the electronic landscape, and we want to give the best of them a place...
8chan.moe VS 7chan
Is 8chan.moe a good alternative to 7chan?