4coder is a minimalist, cross platform, programmable, code editing environment, catering to the needs of low level programmers. It allows you to use one work flow across Windows, Linux, and Mac (with the exception of your debugger... for now.). The 4coder environment can be programmed with it's customization API in C++ or any other language that compiles to native binary.
- Run shell scripts, makefiles, and arbitrary console/terminal commands.
- Report compilation errors and jumping to errors.
- Project files with bindings for function keys to scripts for quick access to the most common utilities in your project. And since it is configured in a plain text file it works painlessly with any source control system you might be using.
- Search all buffers for a particular string and making a jump list for rapidly jumping through the matches in the code base
- Read the output from a program or customization that formats output as 4coder jump locations to create whatever kind of jump lists you want, such as a log readers, or profiler outputs, or failed asserts.
- Multi-stage copy/paste for moving around more than one item on your clipboard with ease and without flipping back and forth between sources and destinations. Works even for copies from outside 4coder.
- Optional auto code layout that puts soft wraps and soft indents at ideal places to make your code still look like code when it does line wraps, and to save you from ever having to press a single key to indent your code.
Comments and Reviews
4coder is not paid or close-source. Its source is at: https://git.mr4th.com/mr4th-public/4coder Its download is at: https://4coder.net/