Free 4chan AlternativesImageboards and other similar apps like 4chan
The best free alternative to 4chan is Aether, which is also Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to 4chan and loads of them is free so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting free alternatives to 4chan are, Lainchan, HiddenLayer and Tildes.
filter to find the best alternatives
4chan alternatives are mainly Social Networks but may also be Imageboards or Social Newss. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of 4chan.- Imageboard
- Free • Proprietary
- 29 likes134 Aether alternatives
Open source, self-governing communities with auditable moderation and mod elections.
DiscontinuedThe last update is from July 2021.
Aether VS 4chan
Is Aether a good alternative to 4chan? - 43 likes139 alternatives
Uncensored free speech alternative to the extreme Reddit and Voat forums, democratically civilized by Graham's Debate Pyramid, no illegal transactions nor porn. Truth-seeking anti-corruption news are among the popular themes. Android app, iOS soon.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Online
- Android
- F-Droid VS 4chan
Is a good alternative to 4chan?Comments about as an Alternative to 4chan
kitsuneaeRequires an account to post. It also is a clone of Reddit, which is closer to a forum site than an image board.
0Needs account to post. Reddit clone.
1 - 11 likes26 Lainchan alternatives
Lainchan is a great imageboard package, actively building on it and adding a lot of features and other improvements. This imageboard's topic focused to anime, manga, politic, and technology.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Online
Lainchan Features
Lainchan VS 4chan
Is Lainchan a good alternative to 4chan? - 7 likes119 HiddenLayer alternatives is a discussion and information platform consisting of layers. Layers personify concepts, ideas, and data as independently run communities. Powered by a UI and infrastructure capable of organizing and analyzing millions of posts.
HiddenLayer VS 4chan
Is HiddenLayer a good alternative to 4chan? Tildes VS 4chan
Is Tildes a good alternative to 4chan?Comments about Tildes as an Alternative to 4chan
kitsuneaeIt's not an image board, it's a forum site. It requires an account and is invite only. 4chan does not require accounts or invites.
0spameMore like reddit rather than 4chan
0- 2 likes52 Nonio alternatives
Nonio is a Reddit-like platform that gives directly back to content creators. Nonio takes a small portion of subscription costs to run the service and anything over that is split evenly between everything users upvote that month.
Nonio VS 4chan
Is Nonio a good alternative to 4chan? - 7 likes56 Squabblr alternatives
Squabblr, formerly Squabbles is a new social platform which combines elements of Reddit and Twitter. It takes the best of both worlds where you can both follow the people you love, and have great, in-depth conversations with them and others.
Squabblr VS 4chan
Is Squabblr a good alternative to 4chan? - 10 likes28 [RAMBLE] alternatives
A reddit-like site focused on privacy and free speech that is available through various anonymity networks such as TOR, I2P, LokiNet and Yggdrasil as well as the clearnet.
[RAMBLE] VS 4chan
Is [RAMBLE] a good alternative to 4chan? - 6 likes22 7chan alternatives
a simple image board alternative to 4chan small but still a nice community with much more rules than 4chan
7chan VS 4chan
Is 7chan a good alternative to 4chan?Comments about 7chan as an Alternative to 4chan
kitsuneaeIt is an image board that does not require registration. Also, I don't think there's too many boards. I do think the interface is clunky and tough to use, though.
1I think its a good alternative, theres too many boards though.
1 - 4 likes17 Mainchan alternatives
Mainchan is a content aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, videos, and polls, which are then voted up or down by other members.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
Mainchan Features
Mainchan VS 4chan
Is Mainchan a good alternative to 4chan?Comments about Mainchan as an Alternative to 4chan
kitsuneaeHas an accounts, voting, and flair system like Reddit but features images like 4chan. Overall, it's mostly Reddit-like, which is why I can't recommend it as a 4Chan alternative.
0 - 3 likes50 Wizardchan alternatives
Wizardchan is a Japanese-inspired imageboard for male virgins to share their thoughts and discuss their interests and lifestyle as a virgin.
Wizardchan VS 4chan
Is Wizardchan a good alternative to 4chan? - 21 likes99 Raddle alternatives
Unsatisfied with the few link sharing communities that were available and their proprietary, untransparent and non-secure nature, ziq made the original (then known as with Wordpress, but it had a lot of limitations.
Raddle VS 4chan
Is Raddle a good alternative to 4chan?Comments about Raddle as an Alternative to 4chan
Not anonymous. You need an account to post. Is more like Reddit than 4chan.
Comments about Aether as an Alternative to 4chan
More like reddit rather than 4chan