Instapaper 5.0 for Android launches with article list redesign & improved reader settings
Apr 3, 2024 at 7:35 PM

Instapaper 5.0 for Android launches with article list redesign & improved reader settings

Instapaper has released version 5.0 for Android, introducing a range of improvements and bug fixes. The update features a complete redesign of the article list view, including thumbnail images and estimated read times, aligning the Android version with the iOS and web versions.

For tablet users, the update enhances the user experience by adding thumbnail images in the article list view and the option to switch between grid and list view. Users can enable thumbnail images for existing saved articles by choosing to redownload all articles in the advanced settings. The reader settings have also been enhanced with adjustments to the default font to improve readability on Android devices.

The update also reinstates the Send to Kindle feature, enabling users with an Instapaper Premium subscription to send individual articles to their Kindle devices, and disable pagination animations, a feature beneficial for e-ink reader devices like Onyx Boox.

Several bugs have been addressed, including ensuring that Share All Notes correctly shares highlights and notes in article order, fixing the transparent status bar issue on reader view, and refining full-screen transitions.

Apr 3, 2024 by Mauricio B. Holguin

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Instapaper is a web-based tool designed to save web pages for future offline reading. By installing the 'Read Later' bookmark from, users can earmark any pages for subsequent reading. With a rating of 3.4, Instapaper offers a clean design and offline reading capabilities, along with integration with IFTTT. Top alternatives to Instapaper include Pocket, and Omnivore.


CommentApr 5, 2024

software / application for devices is ok. but no payment with paypal now. that means for me: no use now. ;(
