Progressive Web Apps are being added to the Microsoft Store on Windows 10
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are like app versions of websites that work even when users are offline and offer services like push notifications without the need to install like standard apps. Android popularized them by letting users add them to their home screen when loading properly configured websites. Now, Microsoft is introducing Progressive Web Apps to the Windows 10 Microsoft Store, positioning them "first-class app citizens in Windows," on par with Universal Windows Apps (UWAs).
These apps will be listed starting with the next release of Windows 10. Microsoft states "Progressive Web Apps installed via the Microsoft Store will be packaged as an appx in Windows 10 – running in their own sandboxed container, without the visual or resource overhead of the browser." Microsoft recommends the use of the PWABuilder application in order to convert web applications to the appx format. Quality curation will be handled by Microsoft's Microsoft Bing Crawler.
For more information on how Microsoft plans to include Progressive Web Apps on its Windows 10 digital storefront, visit For alternatives to the Microsoft Store, you're in the right place!