What is ZOOK DBX to PST Converter?
Download DBX to PST Converter to batch convert DBX to PST with attachments. It can easily extract and migrate Outlook Express to Outlook PST format to access the DBX emails in Outlook without any issue. It is the straightforward solution to export DBX to Outlook PST format in few seconds. The utility can easily convert DBX files of any older version of Outlook Express easily. In few moments, users are capable to extract Outlook Express emails to PST format in few moments. The utility has simple and easy to use interface which itself explains the entire conversion process. This enables non-technical users as well as professional users a simple task to perform the conversion from DBX to PST format without facing any problem. The tool has dual mode by which users are able to convert DBX to PST format by selecting the required option from the utility. It has two options “Select File” and “Select Folder” option by which users are capable to export Outlook express emails to PST format according to their requirement. By using “Select Folder” option, users are capable to batch export DBX to PST format at once in a single click. After selecting the DBX files, users need to choose destination location to save resultant PST file by their desired file name. It also enables user to create a new folder through software panel and save PST file at desired location. It ensures user to maintain the email formatting and data integrity of Outlook Express emails in Outlook PST format too without any editing any data. Moreover, the tool is also capable to preserve the same folder structure to save Outlook Express emails in same folders and sub-folders. It can smoothly install on Windows OS because it easily supports Windows 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP, and all below versions. Try the free demo of the tool and convert DBX to PST format which offers to export 25 items only.