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Workout Rest Timer

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If you workout until failure, this simple app will help you measure the rest time between exercise sets with only one click.

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  • FreeProprietary


  • Android  Free
  • Android Tablet  Free
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Workout Rest Timer information

  • Developed by

    Radluk Apps
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

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  • Supported Languages

    • English

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What is Workout Rest Timer?

Are you working out until exhaustion? Then the last thing you need is a clumsy stopwatch with tiny buttons to measure the rest time between exercise sets!

If you workout, especially until the muscle failure (which is highly recommended), you know that the time of the exercise varies. What doesn't change is the length of the break in between sets. And this stopwatch was designed just for that!

This drop-dead simple app allows you to do just that. Just press on the timer and get ready for the next set, without trying to target tiny "stop", "reset" and "start" button. Which can be hard especially when your hands are shaking of exhaustion.

  1. Press anywhere around the big circular button with timer inside
  2. Press again to reset the timer and start counting again.
  3. Once you're done, just press the red 'stop' button.

We told you it's simple and we meant it, but if there's anything we can improve, please let us know at

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