Wondershare MePub
Wondershare MePub, a simple yet powerful EPUB creator, can help you build EPUB eBooks from a variety of file formats like MS Word (.doc/.docx), PDF (.pdf), Text (.txt), HTML (.html/.htm), CHM (.chm), and Images (.jpg/.bmp/.png/.tiff/.gif).
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
- Mac
- Windows
Wondershare MePub News & Activities
Highlights • All activities
Recent activities
- fatyrios2000 added Wondershare MePub as alternative to convert777
Comments and Reviews
Discontinued by developer. Although you can search the web and find a copy, it's from 2011 and, though there is a link which will lead you to their webstore to purchase it, you're not going to get any support nor upgrades. Move along...nothing to see here any more.