WinSpy++ icon
WinSpy++ icon



WinSpy++ is a handy programmer's utility which can be used to select and view the properties of any window in the system. WinSpy is based around the Microsoft Spy++ utility that ships with Microsoft Visual Studio.

WinSpy++ screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Windows
  • .NET Framework

The program is no longer updated. WinSpy++ was superceded by WinSpy icon WinSpy .

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  1.  NET Framework

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WinSpy++ information

  • Developed by
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    21 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about WinSpy++, and it has gotten 13 likes

WinSpy++ was added to AlternativeTo by Jader on Mar 21, 2013 and this page was last updated Sep 5, 2022. WinSpy++ is sometimes referred to as WinSpy.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentNov 4, 2017

If you need autohotkey classnames to write some macros like open a certain program and don't know the program name, this is what people on recommend


What is WinSpy++?

WinSpy++ is a handy programmer's utility which can be used to select and view the properties of any window in the system. WinSpy is based around the Microsoft Spy++ icon Microsoft Spy++ utility that ships with Microsoft Visual Studio icon Microsoft Visual Studio.

WinSpy++ can obtain the following window properties:

Window Class and Name. Window procedure address. All window styles and extended styles. Window properties (set using the SetProp API call). Complete Child and Sibling window relationships. Scrollbar positional information. Full window Class information.

Retrieve passwords from password-edit controls! Edit window styles! Alter window captions! Show / Hide / Enable / Disable / Adjust any window in the system! Massively improved user-interface! View the complete system window hierarchy! Multi-monitor support! Now works correctly for all versions of Windows. Windows Vista support Tree hierarchy now groups by process.