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WinMerge JP icon

WinMerge JP


WinMerge JP is a fork of the original WinMerge, but after 2018 the two are nearly identical. WinMerge JP's features including 3-way compare has been merged into the original.

Differential indication.

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Windows
4.3 / 5 Avg rating (3)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Portable
  2.  Compare Source Code
  3.  File Comparison
  4.  High-dpi support

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WinMerge JP information

  • Developed by

    Takashi Sawanaka
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.3
  • Alternatives

    51 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English
    • Japanese

AlternativeTo Categories

DevelopmentFile Management

Our users have written 3 comments and reviews about WinMerge JP, and it has gotten 14 likes

WinMerge JP was added to AlternativeTo by coth on Jul 30, 2016 and this page was last updated Nov 24, 2022.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentOct 16, 2018

This review is for windows. After several years of using DiffMerge; I decided to find again another diff tools (free ones); those constant mouse clicking and scrolling left to right hurting my hand.

Several years ago I tried Meld, KDiff, before picking DiffMerge. This time I tried CompareIt and WinMerge JP.

WinMerge JP Pros:

  1. Diff Panel: middle bottom diff panel to see current line diff (like beyond compare); might need to press F9 to go to Merge mode to make it auto update when you move cursor to new line.
  2. Can also change layout (word wrap + vertical/horizontal) so no scrolling left to right needed.
  3. Realtime comparison: Both left and right panel are editables. Although you must press F5 to refresh; you don't have to save changes though.
  4. ShortCut to copy just 1 line; press alt+arrows to copy 1 line. Other tools force us to copy block of codes based on the diff algorithm, but usually we only need to add 1 empty line and copy 1 line from other files. For some csv/tsv the diff algorithm might miss detecting just 1 or 2 extra lines. This copy 1 line is my hand saver. Previously with DiffMerge, I must use mouse a lot to select 1 line and copy paste. With WinMerge navigation shortcuts I can boost my productivity.

After reading the original WinMerge news; this JP branch version is going to be merged back to original repo. I believe this Pros exist for other branches too like WinMerge2011.

[Edited by kaide, October 16]

Positive comment
Pending approval • Edited Apr 1, 2023

This is the Japanese fork.. other languages supported. I tried the different color schemes, and they are still a little "loud" for my liking. However, they can still be adjusted. I have the setting to ignore blank spaces, but if there are word difference, the spaces between the words show.

Jucá Costa
Positive commentOct 19, 2018

WinMerge JP has a more intuitive interface than WinMerge 2011. Also, it has high-dpi support.


What is WinMerge JP?

WinMerge JP is a fork of original WinMerge that incorporates many own features including 3-way compare, high DPI support and many more. But WinMerge JP's features has been merged into the original. It is almost identical to the original since 2018.

Features developed in WinMerge JP

  • Support for 3-way compare
  • Image compare/merge
  • Improved in-line diff algorithm
  • Displays only the differences when selecting diff context menu
  • Includes improved plugins
  • Includes frhed and 7-zip plugin
  • Support for jump list since Windows 7
  • Improved drag&drop support

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