With over 2 million bookable vacation rentals, Vrbo connects homeowners with families and vacationers looking for something more than a hotel for their trip.
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Travel & LocationApple AppStore
- Updated Sep 23, 2024
- 4.84 avg rating
What is Vrbo?
With over 2 million bookable vacation rentals, Vrbo connects homeowners with families and vacationers looking for something more than a hotel for their trip. The Vrbo community offers families an array of rental property types such as condos, cabins, lake rentals, beach houses, and more. Discover properties in destinations that everyone dreams of visiting. All it takes is a quick Vrbo property search to securely book your next condo, cabin, or house anywhere in the world. If you're traveling with a large group, you can find rental homes on Vrbo that give you the space and comfort you need without sacrificing the amenities that matter most, all within your budget.