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Virtual PC icon

Virtual PC


Virtual PC is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems simultaneously on one workstation, providing a safety net to maintain compatibility with legacy applications while you migrate to a new operating system.

Virtual PC screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary


  • Windows

It has been discontinued with the end of Windows XP.

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Virtual PC information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    27 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about Virtual PC, and it has gotten 53 likes

Virtual PC was added to AlternativeTo by Mogelfar on Mar 10, 2009 and this page was last updated Feb 7, 2017.

Comments and Reviews

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Thelle Christensen
CommentMar 20, 2011

Virtual PC and "Windows XP Mode + Windows Virtual PC" is the same and should be merged.

CommentJul 9, 2010

I use this because MS gives free time limited VMs for older versions of IE.


What is Virtual PC?

Virtual PC is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems simultaneously on one workstation, providing a safety net to maintain compatibility with legacy applications while you migrate to a new operating system. It also saves reconfiguration time, so your support, development, and training staff can work more efficiently.