VHFFS is a massive virtual hosting platform for free software.
Developed by TuxFamily.org admins, it can be used for massive hosting on several shared servers or for personal hosting on a single computer.
It is designed to be used by many users, providing an user-friendly interface to configure web based services. A moderation system allows the administrator crew to accept or refuse services creation. VHFFS also provide powerful and useful administration tools and statistics.
Website hosting (users upload their files through FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SSH).
Download repositories (repositories for large files).
Statistics for each website.
MySQL database support.
PostgreSQL database support.
CVS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar hosting.
DNS hosting.
Crons management.
SSH access for users.
FTP access for users.
Quota support.
Mail hosting. Users can host mail accounts on their own domains.
Mailing-list hosting. Users can create a mailing-list on a default domain (i.e lists.yourhosting.com) or on their own domains.
Antispam and antivirus support for mail accounts.
Internationalization. No modules required, the platform is fully internationalized in the main package.
All VHFFS data are stored in a database, which can be replicated for performance.
Developed with scalability in mind, you can have several webservers and load-balance web traffic as well as several mails servers and so on…
Avatar support : users can upload an avatar which is displayed on the public area.