Unchecky icon
Unchecky icon



Tired of unchecking unrelated offers while installing software?

Have you ever felt, while installing software, that the installer tries to push additional unwanted programs at all cost? Ever missed a checkbox, and spent hours afterwards removing adware? Ever opened your browser.

Unchecky screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Windows

The last update: 2018.

4.5 / 5 Avg rating (4)
0 news articles


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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  Multiple languages
  2.  Software Uninstallers
  3.  Remove Unwanted Objects

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  • kusarebaita rated Unchecky  
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  • kusarebaita liked Unchecky
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Unchecky information

  • Developed by

    Reason Company Software Inc.
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.5
  • Alternatives

    2 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

OS & Utilities

Our users have written 4 comments and reviews about Unchecky, and it has gotten 91 likes

Unchecky was added to AlternativeTo by Danilo_Venom on Dec 8, 2013 and this page was last updated Mar 26, 2021.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentMay 22, 2015

It will help you to avoid installing unwanted programs, malwares and adwares on your pc.

I think that Unchecky should be installed on every Windows PC! So people can continue to click Next during installations without worrying about anything, but safely. :P

CommentJan 14, 2022

worked very well, and has been mentioned in web user magazine

Positive commentJan 4, 2018

best apps to prevent bundleware !

Positive commentDec 21, 2015

I have been using this for quite a while, and it has been absolutely fantastic. Very small, unobtrusive and will save you from those odd occasions where you might accidentally forget to uncheck unnecessary software from installing.

Highly recommended for all computer users!


What is Unchecky?

Tired of unchecking unrelated offers while installing software?

Have you ever felt, while installing software, that the installer tries to push additional unwanted programs at all cost? Ever missed a checkbox, and spent hours afterwards removing adware? Ever opened your browser after an installation, only to find out that you have a new homepage, a new search engine, or even a new browser? Unchecky aims to keep potentially unwanted programs out of your computer. 26 languages.


Unchecky automatically unchecks unrelated offers, both saving you mouse clicks and making it less likely to miss a checkbox of an unwanted offer.


Installers often try to sneak additional programs as a natural part of the installation. Unchecky warns you when you try to accept a potentially unwanted offer, which makes it less likely to be accepted accidentally.

Updates automatically

Install and forget. Unchecky automatically updates whenever a new version is available, so you don't have to worry about running the latest version.