traGtor is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the awesome conversion tool ffmpeg and its fork avconv for the use with Linux-OS. It is written in Python and uses the GTK-Engine (standard in GNOME desktops) for displaying it’s interface. The goal of traGtor is not to bring you all of the features ffmpeg offers, but to be a fast and user friendly choice for converting a single media file into any other format. For a full ffmpeg featuring GUI please refer to the other great projects listed below. This GUI is written for not dealing too much with command lines, options and parameters and so on, and refers mostly to the real keyboard haters.
One may edit the command line sent to ffmpeg to fit all of his needs, but for those cases the more command line oriented tools (with nice GUI’s too) could be the better choice. But if you need a tool for click oriented and flawless conversion like stripping an mp3 from a youtube movie, resizing and recoding a clip to fit your mobile’s screen or just changing the format of a movie-file to be able to play it in a flash-media-player – traGor may be Mr. Right for you.
Comments and Reviews
It needs a bit of configuration because it is able to work using old and new versions of FFMPEG. It's easy at the settings tab. After that, it works like a charm with a bunch of options of FFMPEG. I found it by looking for a GUI for MMPEG that could join a video source and an audio source. Also you can create a video using a picture and an audio source (very useful to me, as you can use YouTube as a personal music repository for your music creations). I like music production, and I've found the the GUI creator (Markus Schmidt) also works on Calf gear. Great!