"To MP3 Converter" converts majority of video and audio formats, such as MP4, VID, FLAC, FLV, WMA, M4A to MP3 effectively and quickly. Enjoyable features like automatic MP3 normalizer, settings control, tags transfer and loading, easy interface, bundle conversion allows to encode your favourite media such as soundtracks, songs, video and others to MP3 format smoothly and with high quality of output audio.
To MP3 Converter can convert infinite quantity of tracks, embracing one file or tree of folders. You will substantially save your time by encoding as many folders as you want at a time. Just drop your media in the converter’s window or icon and it will tell you when conversion is finished by message and sound.
Most music converters rip only one soundtrack – which has been set as prime by the movies’ makers. However if you need to have sound track on various language you need to employ a special application, that is able to recognise and separates multiple audio records. To MP3 Converter is perfect utility in this occasion – it extracts every sound file from video. Thus, you just have to decide – which soundtrack you prefer, since you will get all of them.
You able to point all major parameters for encoded MP3 tracks:
-Constant or Variable bitrate
-Desirable bitrates**
-Adjustable quality for speed conversions.
-Built-in audio normalization option can be switched on or off.
-Channel mode among Stereo / Joint / Dual / Mono.
-Support of CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checks) for better error protection can be switched On or Off.
You will please with prime quality of melodies thanks to integral volume level normalization. It strengthens volume level of too quiet music automatically. At the same time arrangement won’t vary already adjusted files’ volume.
Thus, beyond converting all your converted MP3 melodies will maintain the same volume level.