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Thirty Bees


thirty bees is an open source e-commerce software that empowers merchants to focus less on their shop and more on their business. Having a fast, responsive, bug free e-commerce site is essential now, and thirty bees fills that void.

Thirty Bees screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Online
  • Self-Hosted
  • Cloudways
5 / 5 Avg rating (4)
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  1.  Lightweight
  2.  Optimal performance
  3.  Intuitive Interface


  1.  Import CSV Data
  2.  Multi Store
  3.  Code Completion
  4.  Order tracking
  5.  Compatibility with PS modules
  6.  Optimized for Mobile
  7.  Stripe Support
  8.  Warehouse management
  9.  Paypal support
  10.  Stabilizing
  11.  Support for multiple vendors
  12.  Multiple languages
  13.  Shopping Cart

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Thirty Bees information

  • Developed by

    Thirty Bees
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Written in

  • Rating

    Average rating of 5
  • Alternatives

    113 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Business & Commerce

GitHub repository

  •  745 Stars
  •  243 Forks
  •  320 Open Issues
  •   Updated Feb 10, 2025 
View on GitHub

Our users have written 3 comments and reviews about Thirty Bees, and it has gotten 60 likes

Thirty Bees was added to AlternativeTo by Paul on Dec 12, 2017 and this page was last updated Oct 27, 2022.

Comments and Reviews

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Roger Maenen
Top positive commentApr 3, 2018

The best alternative for a webshop comming from Prestashop, great community, solved many bugs and keep up growing.

Richard Rosario
Positive commentJul 16, 2019

Absolutely the best alternative to prestashop.. and I will not shy away from saying that, TB could overtake PS down the road. TB is faster and more efficient. the only down side with it is the design.. it does need some cosmetics on it.

Positive commentSep 5, 2018

As a fork of Prestashop, Thirtybees 1.0. keeps compatibility with Prestashop themes and modules. However Thirtybees runs much faster on my server, image regeneration works correctly which is not the case in Prestashop. I have encountered one bug in price rules and the community has fixed it within a couple of hours, it's amazing.

1 reply
Richard Rosario

agree.. TB has been better than prestahop since it came out.. and now that prestashop has totally abandoned v. 1.6.. expect TB to be more aggressive. I am looking forward to better year..

Reply written Jul 16, 2019

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What is Thirty Bees?

thirty bees is an open source e-commerce software that empowers merchants to focus less on their shop and more on their business. Having a fast, responsive, bug free e-commerce site is essential now, and thirty bees fills that void.

thirty bees is a company founded around one basic principle, listen to its users! We believe with enough community input we can shape our e-commerce platform into the most stable feature-rich Open Source platform in the world.

In our quest for creating the best e-commerce experience, we need your help. If you know of a missing feature, add it to our Feature Request list. If you see a bug, report it on our Bug Tracker. If you have questions, post them to our Forum. Only with the help of merchants and developers like yourself will we become the best platform in the world. Let’s do this together!

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