TD Snap is a communication software designed for individuals with speech and language disabilities. It offers a range of AAC solutions that can be accessed via touch, eye gaze or switch and provides clear speech output.
TD Snap® Page Sets includes:
•Core First: A symbol-supported page set for literacy development
•Motor Plan: A symbol-supported page set for efficient language acquisition, designed for touch and eye gaze
•Text: A page set for literate individuals or those transitioning from symbol supports to literacy
•Scanning: A page set for users who primarily use scanning
•Aphasia: A page set for adults with aphasia to aid communication and language recovery
•*PODD: A page set based on the Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display vocabulary strategy
•*Gateway: A page set based on the Gateway vocabulary strategy
*Denotes in-app purchase, developed by a third party.
The software also comes with integrated tools to simplify use and support communication.
TD Snap® Tools:
•Editing: A tool for customizing buttons
•Diversity: Settings to apply a selection of skin tones/hair color at the page set level
•Search: A search bar to locate words and symbols
•Behavior supports: A set of behavioral supports like visual schedules, timers and scripts
•Google Assistant: Integrated tool for symbol-supported access to Google Assistant
•QuickFires: A set of commonly used pre-programmed phrases for smoother communication
•MyTobiiDynavox: A cloud-based resource for backing up, sharing and managing your apps.