This is a platform for developers. TagMyCode helps you to save and manage your code snippets and reuse them when necessary.
Store and tag your snippets - Save and organize your code snippets with appropriate tags
Search for public snippets - You can search all pub.
- Snippets
- Snippets Manager
TagMyCode News & Activities
Recent activities
- eduardorandom updated TagMyCode
TagMyCode information
What is TagMyCode?
This is a platform for developers. TagMyCode helps you to save and manage your code snippets and reuse them when necessary.
Store and tag your snippets - Save and organize your code snippets with appropriate tags
Search for public snippets - You can search all public snippet saved by other users
Reuse your snippets - Copy and paste your snippets in your projects and save precious time
Share your snippets - You can collaborate with other users by sharing public or private snippets
Social - You can interact with other developers, you can follow their updates, comment and vote their public snippets
IDE plugins - You can save and search snippets directly from your IDE
Official Links
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