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Sysinternals Suite icon

Sysinternals Suite


The Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities have been rolled up into a single Suite of tools. This file contains the individual troubleshooting tools and help files. It does not contain non-troubleshooting tools like the BSOD Screen Saver or NotMyFault.

Sysinternals Suite screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary


  • Windows
4.4 / 5 Avg rating (7)
0 news articles


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  1.  Lightweight
  2.  Configurable


  1.  Portable
  2.  Customize Windows
  3.  Hardware Monitoring
  4.  Optimization

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Sysinternals Suite information

  • Developed by

    Mark Russinovich
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.4
  • Alternatives

    47 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 6 comments and reviews about Sysinternals Suite, and it has gotten 276 likes

Sysinternals Suite was added to AlternativeTo by l3x0r on Mar 29, 2010 and this page was last updated Jun 19, 2023. Sysinternals Suite is sometimes referred to as SysinternalsSuite, Sysinternals.

Comments and Reviews

 Post comment/review
Top positive commentAug 30, 2019

I watched YouTube videos of Russinovich identifying and removing malware using just Process Explorer, AutoRuns, and Process Monitor. Brilliant and this stuff is free!

ReviewAug 1, 2022

To make things clear, this is a bunch of programs, not a consolidated dashboard.

Positive commentJun 4, 2021

System internals is one of, if not the best all-in-one system utility.

Positive commentJul 29, 2019

its good alternative tio system mechanic

Positive commentFeb 3, 2018

Most Popular Free Tweaks Apps for Windows Users

Positive commentJan 19, 2011

Mark Russinovich is a genius. He is the brains behind Microsoft's NT kernel.


What is Sysinternals Suite?

The Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities have been rolled up into a single Suite of tools. This file contains the individual troubleshooting tools and help files. It does not contain non-troubleshooting tools like the BSOD Screen Saver or NotMyFault.

The Suite is a bundling of the following selected Sysinternals Utilities:

AccessChk AccessEnum AdExplorer AdRestore Autologon Autoruns BgInfo CacheSet ClockRes Contig Coreinfo Ctrl2Cap DebugView Desktops Disk2vhd DiskExt DiskMon DiskView Disk Usage (DU) EFSDump Handle Hex2dec Junction LDMDump ListDLLs LiveKd LoadOrder LogonSessions NTFSInfo PageDefrag PendMoves PipeList PortMon ProcDump Process Explorer Process Monitor ProcFeatures PsExec PsFile PsGetSid PsInfo PsKill PsList PsLoggedOn PsLogList PsPasswd PsService PsShutdown PsSuspend RegDelNull RegJump RootkitRevealer SDelete ShareEnum ShellRunas SigCheck Streams Strings Sync TCPView VMMap VolumeID WhoIs WinObj ZoomIt

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