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SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance) is a free-software, fast and efficient Learning Management System (LMS) for distance learning and teaching management. It has been developed and used at the University of Granada (Spain) since 1999.

SWAD screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Linux
  • Online
  • Android
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  • WorkDoodler liked SWAD
    5 months ago
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    Arjun_goa added SWAD as alternative to Masteriyo LMS
    5 months ago
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SWAD information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    41 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about SWAD, and it has gotten 73 likes

SWAD was added to AlternativeTo by acanasvargas on Jan 9, 2015 and this page was last updated Mar 18, 2020.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentApr 19, 2016

Con SWAD puedo controlar fácilmente la lista de estudiantes y dejar que ellos se apunten en grupos de prácticas (una pesadilla si se hace pasando listas por las clases presenciales). Puedo tener organizados jerárquicamente todos los materiales de la asignatura, ocultarlos, reemplazarlos, ponerlos en abierto... Puedo ofrecer exámenes test, realizar votaciones online, dejar mensajes urgentes, dejar mensajes más extensos en los foros...

Los estudiantes pueden subir las prácticas (u otras actividades) online, con la comodidad que supone que sea una máquina quien verifique el plazo de entrega (permitiendo poner una fecha de entrega en Domingo a medianoche, por ejemplo).

Los conceptos que maneja SWAD coinciden con los de la enseñanza reglada en mi Universidad (Centros, Titulaciones, Cursos, Asignaturas, grupos...). No he probado pasar lista con código QR pero me consta que funciona.


Using SWAD I can easily control the list of students and let them sign up in practice groups -a nightmare when done by passing lists in classroom sessions. I can hierarchically organize all course materials, hide them, replace them, mark them as open resources... I can offer test exams, make online polls, post urgent messages, post longer messages in the forums (fora?)...

Students can upload practice labs -or any other handed-out activity, with the convenience of being a machine who checks the delivery time -allowing for deadlines on Sunday at midnight, for example.

The concepts handled on SWAD match those of formal education at my University -Centres, Degrees, career years, courses, groups... I have not tried QR code rollcalling, but I've been told it works flawlessly.


What is SWAD?

SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance) is a free-software, fast and efficient Learning Management System (LMS) for distance learning and teaching management. It has been developed and used at the University of Granada (Spain) since 1999. Since 2012 it is used in other universities and also in the cloud (https://openswad.org/)

SWAD integrates into a web tool various functions to support learning, teaching and management of data from students and teachers. These include access to information on the courses (teaching guide, timetables, bibliography,...), documents storage (notes, presentations, problems, practice outlines...), lists and record cards of students and teachers, discussion forums, assignments, student's self-assessment through interactive tests, and individual consultation of marks. Some of its main features are also available as an app for Android mobile devices: SWADroid https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.ugr.swad.swadroid

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