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The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies.

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What is Statista?

About Statista

Statista is one of the world’s largest statistics portals. Providing you with access to relevant data from over 18,000 sources, our focus is firmly based on professional, clear, quick and consistent results. Our customized search query form provides you with a list of statistics, studies and reports relating to your search request within a matter of seconds – kick-starting your research.

Our Solutions

From small businesses to global players: 10,000 companies worldwide make their decisions based on our data. With our business solutions you can access over 1 million statistics, 10,000 studies and over 1,000 thematic dossiers. Individual customers have access to quantitative data from more than 600 industries on the English database. Included in all account types: unlimited download, source citation and direct use in PowerPoint and Excel.


Our infographics transform complex topics into clear, conceptual and visually striking designs. They serve as informative and eye-catching additions to any website, newsletter or in social media activities.

One of the world’s largest statistics portals

We pride ourselves in being one of the world’s first and only companies to bring together data from over 18,000 sources. Our research analysts source the most up-to-date statistical data from around the globe; our analytical approach and efficient research processes enable us to supply our clients with the data that is relevant to them.

Reliable sources

Each one of our research analysts works exclusively within their respective field of expertise and collaborates with industry leaders to ensure that reliability and accuracy is maintained across the board.

Always up to date

We keep our finger placed firmly on the pulse and closely monitor trends and progressions in all aspects of our business. Our database evolves and progresses in step with the newest trends as they occur, meaning that we are always up-to-date.

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