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SQLiteSpy icon



SQLiteSpy is a fast and compact GUI database manager for SQLite. It reads SQLite3 files and executes SQL against them. Its graphical user interface makes it very easy to explore, analyze, and manipulate SQLite3 databases.

SQLiteSpy screenshot 1

License model

  • Free PersonalProprietary

Application type


  • Windows
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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  Portable
  2.  SQLite
  3.  Database Management Tool

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SQLiteSpy information

  • Developed by

    Delphi Inspiration
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free Personal product.
  • Alternatives

    24 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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SQLiteSpy was added to AlternativeTo by szrudi on Apr 29, 2011 and this page was last updated Sep 9, 2022.
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What is SQLiteSpy?

SQLiteSpy is a fast and compact GUI database manager for SQLite. It reads SQLite3 files and executes SQL against them. Its graphical user interface makes it very easy to explore, analyze, and manipulate SQLite3 databases.


  • SQLiteSpyDatabase at a Glance – The schema treeview displays all items contained in a database, including tables, columns, indexes and triggers. Press F5 to update the schema tree, double-click a table or view to display its data, use the context menu for frequently used commands.
  • Grid Cell Editing – Table cells are editable in the grid: Display a table via the schema treeview, select a cell and press F2 to invoke the editor. Then modify and confirm to write your changes back to the table.
  • Data Type Display – The native SQL data types are displayed with different background colors to help detect type errors. Type errors can cause performance degradation or wrong SELECT result sets if NULL values are confused with empty strings.
  • Full Unicode – SQLiteSpy fully supports SQLite's Unicode capabilities. Data display and entry is completely realized as Unicode, including SQL commands.
  • Multiple SQL Edits – Modern tabs are used to edit and display multiple SQL queries for easy comparison of query statements and results. SQL queries are executed by typing or loading them into the SQL edit. Then press F9 to run the query, or CTRL+F9 to run the current line or selection only.
  • Time Measurement – SQL execution time is automatically measured and displayed to help optimize queries.
  • Regular Expressions – The SQL keyword REGEXP supports regular expression syntax similar to Perl. It is implemented with the help of the YuPcre2 library.
  • Mathematical SQL Functions – The following mathematical SQL functions are available in addition to the SQLite default: ACOS(), ASIN(), ATAN(), ATAN(), ATAN2(), CEIL(), CEILING(), COS(), COT(), DEGREES(), EXP(), FLOOR(), LN(), LOG(), LOG(), LOG2(), LOG10(), MOD(), PI(), POW(), RADIANS(), SIGN(), SIN(), SQRT(), TAN(), TRUNCATE().
  • Data Compression – The SQL functions COMPRESS() applies zlib's deflate to any text or BLOB value. The raw deflate data stream is returned. UNCOMPRESS() inflates this stream back to the original. Integers, Doubles, and Nulls are returned unchanged.
  • Compact Result Storage – The internal data storage mechanism uses SQLite's native data types for optimal compatibility. As a result, SQLiteSpy uses far less memory than other SQLite managers and handles large tables much more efficiently.
  • Built-in SQLite Engine – SQLiteSpy comes as a single file executable with the SQLite database engine already build into the application. There is no need to distribute any DLLs, which makes SQLiteSpy easy to deploy with customers.
  • And much more…