Speak My Mind is a revolutionary assistive communication solution for nonverbal and speech delayed children as well as adults with language and communication challenges.
It provides a voice for individuals who have difficulties using their own natural voice.
Speak My Mind can be used by people with Autism, ALS, Down Syndrome, Apraxia, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, developmental delays and difficulties in language acquisition.
Speak My Mind learns to predict what you want to say, helps developing language understanding, enriching vocabulary and refining grammatical skills.
Learns to predict what you want to say.
A unique intelligent word prediction system that learns the user's preferences. The more you use it the better it gets.
An intuitive yet powerful interface design.
Smart suggestions for the next suitable words in a sentence present themselves with each words selection.
Easy to learn and master, improves language skills, enriches grammar skills and vocabulary.
A more traditional Grid Layout for creation of communication boards is available as well.
Speak My Mind has an extensive vocabulary of more than 6000 words as well as efficient and powerful editing and creation tool for words, categories and sub-categories.
You can easily search for words, create new custom words, edit existing ones, rearrange and create categories (nested categories are supported as well), organize your favorite sentences, create custom shortcuts and much more.
Other Features
• Choose your own voice, pitch and rate of speech from a large catalog of various voices and accents.
• Favorites sentences and shortcuts
• Word Search
• Quick and easy customization
• Import or take photos with your device's camera
• Backup/Restore your data to iCloud
• Free Updates