Good phase relationships are key to a great sounding mix. When tracks are summed into a stereo mix bus, instruments tend to overlap and interact with each other across the frequency range and phase position. A bass track could be temporarily out of phase with the kick or rhythm guitar tracks, and when summed together the two instruments would cancel each other out over the overlapping frequency range, causing a temporary "hole" in the low end. Similarly, a snare track could end up sounding thin in a mix when the toms' resonance is out of phase with the snare.
Enter PI.
Designed to enhance any mix, PI dynamically rotates the phase of the individual mixer channels to achieve maximum phase correlation within the mix. PI minimizes negative interaction and significantly improves the overall sound of the mix. Just drop PI into the last insert slot of each of your DAW mixer channels and listen.
PI works to improve the summing of your favorite Digital Audio Workstation. PI minimizes overlapping frequency cancellations between instruments within the mix, improves mono compatibility, and brings back the depth and focus lost when out-of-phase frequencies in the mix cancel each other out.
Instruments with similar frequency content, such as bass and bass-drum, can be temporarily out of phase and cancel each other's fundamental frequencies. The resulting sound is often described as "thin" and "hollow". Because those interactions happen randomly across varying frequencies and to different degrees, this effect cannot be remedied using a simple, fixed phase-rotator or equalizer.
PI constantly analyzes the phase correlation of each track and dynamically adjusts their respective phases to achieve optimal correlation and maintain the full depth and timbre of the instruments in the arrangement.