snippet.host is a minimal text and code snippet hosting. With memorable domain name, it is free, lightweight, with no ads or cookies. Features include syntax highlighting in multiple languages, easy-to-use API and Tor hidden service support.
snippet.host News & Activities
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- Bricolas added snippet.host as alternative to One-Time Secret
- m7mdharoun2024 added snippet.host as alternative to PasteJustit.com
- eduardorandom added snippet.host as alternative to wastebin
- T0mmaso added snippet.host as alternative to Infomaniak kPaste
- eduardorandom liked snippet.host
- K0RR added snippet.host as alternative to Framabin and ZeroBin.net
- Maoholguin added snippet.host as alternative to TextBin
- WillyArisky added snippet.host as alternative to Paste.js.org
- y2kay liked snippet.host
- m7mdharoun added snippet.host as alternative to Pastebin.ai
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