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SNARLsnmp is a web application monitor for net-snmp 5.0.3 and higher. it actively monitors performance, content, some logic and is capable to even monitor complex web transactions with highly dynamic URLs and many other features.

SnarlSNMP screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Mac  Requires a web server and PHP + Perl.
  • Windows  Requires a web server and PHP + Perl.
  • Linux  Requires a web server and PHP + Perl.
  • Self-Hosted  Requires a web server and PHP + Perl.
  • PHP  Requires a web server and PHP + Perl.
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SnarlSNMP information

  • Developed by

    Siegfried Steinmueller
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
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  • Supported Languages

    • English

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What is SnarlSNMP?

SNARLSNMP is a monitoring tool for dynamic web applications.

SNARLSNMP dynamically creates and assembles URL’s and scans them at arbitrary intervals, performs predefined checks on URL content, size and timing, notifies a monitoring application via traps if a predefined error condition (event) has been met and delivers a snapshot of it’s current tests and result at any given time.

SNARLsnmp handles safe but complex login procedures SNARLSNMP is build as a truly multi-threaded MIB module for net-snmp 5.0.3 and higher. its current monitoring status can be retrieved via the net-snmp daemon's snmp request interface. configuration of the URL tests is done via a configuration file in a human readable format. all configurations can be hot updated. no data will be lost on reconfiguring a running SNARLSNMP.

SNARLsnmp handles transaction sequence simulations SNARLSNMP is very humble. it can run on an average PC with average sized resources and still is able to monitor up to eight hundred web pages or even more. though the only limit should be machine capabilities, the amount of concurrent threads in SNARLSNMP has been limited to one thousand parallel monitoring tasks. the lifetime of a thread is as long as one transaction, usually only a few concurrent threads exist in a typical monitoring environment. a mechanism inside SNARLSNMP keeps the amount of concurrent network connections as low as possible by desynchronizing network downloads. this is to account for limits imposed on most machines.

SNARLSNMP performs each monitoring test by downloading the content of the monitored URL and thereby causes a http server log file entry on the web server. consider this when you monitor web sites that pursue a business model where number of hits is important to the payor or customer.