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When you select an audio file in the Mac Finder, Snapper immediately appears right beneath the current window, showing you the wave form.

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  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

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  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Audio & Music

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Snapper was added to AlternativeTo by danmackinlay on Sep 1, 2015 and this page was last updated Jul 12, 2019.
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What is Snapper?

When you select an audio file in the Mac Finder, Snapper immediately appears right beneath the current window, showing you the wave form.

Hit the space bar or double-click in the wave form to play. Or use auto-play to start playing the moment you select the file. Vari-speed is available too.

In the Snapper wave form you can select a part of the sound file and: • drag it out, to create a new file. • drag it to any sequencer or audio editor (new in version 2...) • turn the selection into an mp3 file. (or ogg, mp4 flac) • split stereo files into separate .L and .R files or vise versa • convert to mp4 and attach it to an email in one go. • export to AIFF, WAV, BWF, mp3, or m4a.

Snapper follows your Finder selection, and it also shows up when you select a song in your iTunes library.

In Pro Tools, Nuendo Logic, Cubase you can spot (selections from) files directly to the cursor of your sequencer or audio editor.