SmallWindows icon
SmallWindows icon



Exposè (now Mission Control ) functionality on Windows was a bit tricky to develop, but SmallWindows is somewhat successful at it. However, you'll see plenty of glitches during day-to-day use.

SmallWindows screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Windows

The application is no longer developed.

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  2.  Window organizer
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SmallWindows information

  • Developed by

    Jens Egeblad
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    8 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

OS & Utilities

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SmallWindows was added to AlternativeTo by Ola Johansson on Jun 19, 2010 and this page was last updated May 14, 2016.
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What is SmallWindows?

Exposè (now Mission Control icon Mission Control ) functionality on Windows was a bit tricky to develop, but SmallWindows is somewhat successful at it. However, you'll see plenty of glitches during day-to-day use. There should be significantly fewer glitches in newer versions of Windows (Vista, and 7), but I havent really tested it.

Over the last couple of years I have completely lost interest in the Windows platform, so this application is no longer actively developed. I also haven't tested the application on Windows Vista or 7 recently. The application comes as is, with no support or guarantees, but feel free to report bugs and feature requests on the Sourceforce website, so that any potential future project developers can fix those.