Silent Hill is a survival horror video game series consisting of eight installments published by Konami and its subsidiary Konami Digital Entertainment. The first four games in the series, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, 3 and 4, have been developed by an internal factor, Team Silent (a development staff within former Konami subsidiary Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo). The latter four games, Silent Hill: Origins, Homecoming, Shattered Memories, and Downpour, and an upcoming ninth installment titled Silent Hill: Book of Memories have been developed by various external developers.
Silent Hill is set in a multiverse consisting of reality and an alternate dimension whose form is based on the series' eponymous fictional American town. The series is heavily influenced by the literary genre of psychological horror, with its player characters being mostly "everymen", in contrast to action-oriented survival horror video game series featuring combat-trained player characters, such as Resident Evil, which is widely regarded as Silent Hill's strongest "rival".
Miscellaneous adaptations of Silent Hill have been released, including various in print media, a feature film, and spin-off video games. A second film adaptation, titled Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, is in post-production.
The installments in the Silent Hill series utilize a third-person view, with occasional fixed camera angles. While visibility is low due to the alternating fog and darkness, all of the series' player characters, except Henry Townshend of Silent Hill 4: The Room, are equipped with a flashlight and a device (a portable radio in Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, 3, Origins, and Homecoming, a mobile phone in Shattered Memories, and a walkie-talkie in Downpour) which warns the player of nearby monsters by emitting static.