Selfie Studio provides you the creative tools to edit your photos to get just the look you want. A Pixarra product in the Studio series, Selfie Studio builds on the success of other Studio products by Pixarra, giving you a tool dedicated to achieving your photo vision quicker and better than other options.
Fantastic Filter Brushes
The powerful Pixarra brush engine is at work here with filters assigned to brushes to allow for easily clicking to layering filters one after the other. There is a selection of handcrafted filter brushes available in Selfie Studio. A large number of layouts are also available for automatic application from your layers using Solutions.
Powerful Cloner Brushes
Cloner brushes unlock additional power in Selfie Studio, allowing you to copy your photo from one image to another with a collection of brushes in the Cloners ArtSet. Apply effects at the same time as cloning with special cloner brushes.
In addition to cloners, Selfie Studio includes a Color Trace mode where instead of pure cloning, your brush picks of the color from the clone source at the start of the paint stroke. Now you are painting with the only help from the original image is a color.
Selfie Studio comes with 7 primary ArtSets. Filters, Photo Edit, Blenders, Cloners, Erasers, Masks and Basic ArtSets. Additionally there are 5 user ArtSets that can hold up to 60 brushes each.
Clean User Interface
Quick Access Panels
Quick Command Panel
Powerful Brush Effects System
64 bit color painting system
World’s most powerful and flexible brush engine with the Pixarra brush effects system
Automatic saving multiple copies of your work in progress
Brush compatibility with other Pixarra Studio products
Tracing paper to use as a guide
Up to 9 floating reference Image panels
Sketchbook system
Switching pages in your book with a single key press
Saving your work to a range of standard image formats
And many more features!