The most comprehensive database that is powered by personal player experiences.
— Track what you played
You can have infinite games in your favourites, doesn’t matter which device or type of game.
— Browse all your games in one unified profile
The more complete your pofile, the better it reflects your taste. Start by marking the games you have beaten in the past and select the ones that you will play in the future. Easily search and filter among your library.
— Create and share collections
Compile and share collections: your personal goty titles, organize games by theme, make a list of great co-op games to play with friends, games with great writing, plot twists or whatever comes to your mind. You can get suggestions from other members and discover the games you missed.
— Find and save new games to play
Browse the selection of new and upcoming games for each platform on the main page. If you are signed in, you’ll also see personal recommendations based on the games in your profile. Treat the main page as your personal video games showcase. Found something new and interesting? Add it to your profile to check back later.
Comments and Reviews
Excellent service to track and discover games. It's like but for video games.
The website often has technical issues.
It seems there aren’t many users, because aside from mainstream games, there are rarely any reviews and only a few ratings.
I wanted to use it to track the history of the games I’ve completed. There’s a collection feature for this, but it’s sorted by release year, rating, various other factors, and date added. I noticed that in the past, I mistakenly added a game’s DLC instead of the main title. When I tried to fix it, the game ended up out of order on top of the list.
Formerly a cryptoservice built on blockchain to earn tokens. No official communication on dropping out the crypto part, the only reliable info i could find came from their Discord in a message from someone in charge in octobre 2020. According to them, "they were a long time ago. Although there's still a possibility we will return to them in the future, that's why we never say they are dead as an idea." ( I dont trust blockchain based ventures to last, so i wouldn't trust RAWG to be there much time still in the future.
Infinitely better than than IGDB. This is the true IGDB killer.
The descriptions, screenshots and information is far more up to date. And there is already a huge community within the site. On IGDB the community felt pretty dead. And now with the Twitch buyout IGDB will keep falling. And the description and information was ill-maintained and done.
nice UI, easy to use, import game from steam - ps - xbox - etc,