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Querious is a MySQL database management application written from the ground up for Mac OS X. Unlike mindless Mac OS X ports of applications originally made for Windows or Linux, Querious works the way you'd naturally expect it to as a Mac OS X app.

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  • Mac
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  1.  Autocompletion
  2.  Database Management Tool

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Querious information

  • Developed by

    Araelium Group
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

    34 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Querious was added to AlternativeTo by AzizLight on Nov 29, 2010 and this page was last updated Nov 27, 2014.
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What is Querious?

Querious is a MySQL database management application written from the ground up for Mac OS X. Unlike mindless Mac OS X ports of applications originally made for Windows or Linux, Querious works the way you'd naturally expect it to as a Mac OS X app. Querious is precise and easy to understand, giving you full control without getting in your way.

Viewing, searching, editing, importing, exporting, and structuring your MySQL databases has never been so easy. With Querious, you can even open up raw CSV or Tab files in a spreadsheet-like document. Need to rename or reorder the columns? No problem. Searching for data is a breeze, and you can even convert the whole file to another format in a snap!