Qanairy helps companies find their bugs before their customers do. Like the canary in a coal mine, Qanairy acts as an early detection for software issues, alerting them of any changes so engineers are never without warning. Qanairy’s Software-as-a-Service gets more work done in less time, is more thorough, and simplifies the work needed to maintain product quality. Qanairy’s codeless test automation tool saves time and money by increasing the quality of online testing while eliminating costly human errors. With Qanairy, you can find your system’s bugs fast, and begin squashing them right away.
Prioritize QA and save on time, money, and maintenance costs. Qanairy empowers your team to spend less time testing so you can spend more time developing your products.
Qanairy does this in three ways:
Auto Test Generation - use AI to find and build your user interface tests for you, so you spend less time creating tests.
Codeless Test Recorder - this plugin lets you use your app as your users would, and Qanairy tracks your browser interactions to create complex functional QA tests.
Test Auto Repair - your tests are automatically updated whenever your UI changes.
Qanairy aims to make automated testing easy by giving you the option to build your UI tests either manually or automatically with AI. Say goodbye to writing scripts. Qanairy is the codeless way to do QA.