Profili is a software developed to help the 'do it yourself' modelers.
This new version can assist you in:
Searching for the right airfoil for your application
Creating new airfoils
Analyzing the airfoil aerodynamic
Drawing, plotting or printing all the ribs for a trapezoidal or elliptical wing or the foam cutting templates
Cutting file generation for ribs and templates with a 3 Axes CNC milling machine
Cutting file generation for foam wing panels with a 4 Axes CNC hot wire machine
STL file generation for wing panels mold
and much more!
During last years aeromodelling building techniques changed a lot, and almost every day my customers ask me new features, no more compatible with an old project born on 1995.
The better a modeler could own during those years was a computer with a printer, but now new interesting building techniques are available, like 3 axes Cnc milling machines to cut parts and create plug and molds, 4 axes Cnc hot wire foam cutting machines and 3D printers.
So I developed a new series of applications, much more powerful and easy to use, but often overlapping some basic features already included in Profili.
Actually Profili is still a good choice for this users:
Old style builders of simple models , they can find in Profili a great help to create their own projects. Profili is a tool like a 'Swiss knife', it supplies a lot of features, but for a more serious and long term use the new applications of the 'devCad Team' series are for sure a better way to go. You can find these applications listed in the below product table.
Modelers, Companies and Universities looking for analysis, management and improvement of airfoils. Profili Pro is a great and easy to use tool to do that, using the famous XFoil application developed by Mark Drela as an hidden calculation engine. A lot of companies and universities research team use every day Profili Pro.