What is Power Plan Assistant?
Power Plan Assistant is a power management tool, for Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 and Boot Camp -enabled Apple Macbook Pro / Air notebooks.
It's an ultimate manual / automatic power plan switcher with a compact yet very informative system Power icon replacement (option) and lots of other goods.
With Power Plan Assistant you can:
Easily switch between the Windows built-in/custom power plans (all plans, not 2, as when operating via system Power icon) and instantly power off the display
on user's demand (why wait at least one minute for it to be powered off, wasting energy?). It can be waked up then by pressing any key or moving the cursor;
Always observe which power plan is currently active (as shown on the screenshots above, the dynamic application's icon in a taskbar notification area changes in
accordance with an active power plan, does not matter where the plan was changed - in Control Panel, using system Power icon or Power Plan Assistant itself);
Now users are allowed to choose between the 3 different types of the notification area icon in taskbar! One of the available icons can replace the
system Power icon completely: it displays more information (battery level, active power plan, power source) and offers much higher precision than the system icon.
NOTE: starting from the version 3.0a, a single power icon is available again (the "ex-3rd" icon, chosen by users to be the clearest yet the most informative one).
Switch the power plans automatically: to 'Power Saver' in order to start saving the energy before the battery power is gone (the threshold is user-configurable),
to 'High Performance' or 'Balanced' (on plugging in), to 'Balanced' or 'Power Saver' (on unplugging).
Instantly power off the display, lock workstation or toggle Windows 'Flip 3D' mode without a need to perform even a single click: user-configurable action can fire on placing the cursor precisely at the top left corner of the screen.
Comments and Reviews
Don't waste your time with this program. There is a known issue in Windows 7 where the power plan gets changed automatically to high performance. I was hoping this program would stop that from happening and keep whatever power plan was chosen by the computer user but all it does is change the power icon in the system tray--the power plans still change on their own. This is no better than using the built in windows power option function.